


From the early mornings to the long afternoons and well in to the dark nights. Running keeps us awake and alive, constantly nurturing our brains with fresh thoughts, grand ideas and a hunger for more. We do not run against the clock, nor do we run to go faster. We run to brighten our minds and fuel the free thinking that inevitably happens when the asphalt disappears under our feet and the city lights pass by one after the other.

In connection with the launch of our most recent collaboration, running apparel created together with the great team at Saysky, we have asked three avid runners about why they run. The first one is photographer Rasmus Weng Karlsen who has also shot the campaign photos

“I run three times every week. Mostly on the streets, but sometimes I also to to run on the threadmill. I live in Nørrebro but I absolutely loathe running around the Copenhagen lakes. I’d much rather find my own way instead of doing what everyone else does. My work tends to fill up my head because it’s my passion and I live and breathe for photography, and running can be a good way of clearing my mind or maybe even foster a new idea about a shoot or a story that I want to tell.

The longest I’ve ever been out was 18k when I was back home visiting my father in Sønderskov, Jutland. These days I keep it between 8-10k because I also spend a fair amount of time swimming and working out.

I couldn’t care less about how fast I am. I think a short 5k takes me 28 or 29 minutes, which isn’t very fast. But once I get going I can keep running for a long time. Some might say that I’m slow but steady, and I dig the thought of that. Nothing stops a well-oiled machine.”