"I just saw a headline in the New York Post that says big butts are out and heroine chic is in. It shows that we live in a world where many people think that body types and shapes are something you just change as a trend. But there are a lot of people who can't do that. For me, it's absolutely crazy that, in 2022, we still have a fashion industry that doesn't take seriously the fact that people look different and don't fit the same size.''
“It is very clear to see that people larger than a size 42 have not been included in the fashion image. You could really see that during Fashion Week: all the models who were just a little bit bigger got some kind of loose knit sweater because there were no other options. And then you have to ask yourself: is it because the industry can't bear to be inclusive, or is it because it can't figure out how to do it ? Or are we downright convinced that it doesn't want to? Karl Lagerfeld, one of the industry's most celebrated designers, once said directly that fat people don't belong on a runway."